Wednesday, June 14, 2006

del here

thats my BIG name! haha whee! i'm used to seeing this blog so dead.. BUT, today i shall be the kindest soul on earth to revive it k. holidays now, but i don't feel like in a hol mood. it's like normal schooldays maybe because we train every single day, is that possible?.. sigh

i shall stop grumbling, competition is near, we must buck up. i know i can't make it, but ppl who can, pls jiayou! esp the young playful juniors. stop playing and train seriously k. i know i've gotta set a good example, but hey! that's a different issue altogether, so yea.

i guess nowadays things had been going real well for us. yup, SEA championships / age group. well done to the 5 of our teammates. although some may not have won anything, but that's a new experience right? there will be many comps and obstacles ahead, so don't take that comp too seriously, prepare for the oncoming comps is more important!

lalalalalalalalalalalalala, pls tag and kindly update k?
haha love,
deldel; the.. haha

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